5 things in your life that might need a spring clean


It’s officially Spring, so you know you’re going to be hearing about spring-cleaning a lot. Spring cleaning is that one thing that you might find boring and exhausting, but it is actually a feel-good task that helps you de-clutter (removing unnecessary items) and gets your space or home in order so that you can start the new sunny season on a clean slate. But what if I told you that it doesn’t have to stop there Choma? Spring cleaning your life is also a necessary thing to do every now and then. Here are the 5 things in your life that might need a spring clean:

Your Relationships

Refining your relationships with others is one way to spring clean your life.You are constantly changing and growing, and so should your relationships. Focus on relationships that make you really happy and fulfilled.  If you’re constantly getting negative energy from some people, then ask yourself if you want to put any more time and effort into that relationship.

Your Health

Your overall health is the most important thing that you can take care of because if you are not well then you can’t do a lot of things. Did winter get you into a bit of a fitness funk and leave you with a bunch of unhealthy habits? It’s probably time to get back into the swing of things with a healthy spring clean.

Here are a few articles you can read to get your health back on track:  

Health and exercise tips for beginners

5 Steps to take back your mental health

Are you staying on top of your health?

Questionnaire: Is my lifestyle healthy?

Your Studies

Spring time and exam time tend to coincide, so it’s quite likely that you’re either preparing for exams or are already in the middle of it. But now is the perfect time to give your study methods and your study environment a good spring clean so that you can get your mind in study-mode.

To get you started, try having a list of the do’s and don’ts so that you can have a track record of what it is that you’re doing right or wrong.A study partner is also effective because it can keep you focused and your partner might be able to explain some concepts better for you to understand. 

Read this article as well for more insight on how you can improve your study style.

Your Wardrobe

The famous saying “when you look good, you feel good” is so true Choma, and spring cleaning your wardrobe can be a mood booster. You don’t have to buy new clothes, you can always work with what you have in order to stay trendy.

Following fashion bloggers can also inspire your looks. Here are a few fashion influencers who are style inspirations: Lulama Wolf, Rato kgamanyane, Lutendo Mametsa and Mihlali Ndamase

Your Digital life

It’s important to give your phone and social media a good clean up from time to time. Are there toxic photos, text messages or contacts you need to get rid of? What about your social media, does that need a spring clean? Read here for tips on how to give your social media a good spring clean.

Spring cleaning your life is a healthy habit that you should get into regularly because it gives you peace of mind and motivates you to get rid of the things or people that bring negativity to your life and disturb your inner peace.

What are the other things that need spring cleaning in your life? Let me know in the comments section.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).