5 things you need for 4th term

It’s been a long and demanding year and now you’ve finally made it to the last lap – the fourth term of school. This means that all the hard work that you’ve been putting in throughout the year will finally pay off when you’re completing your last exams of the year.

Although it is natural for you to be anxious and stressed because exam season is here, getting through your last term doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here’s what you need that will help you tackle the fourth term.

Study timetable

One of the best things you can do for yourself is create a study timetable to help you prepare for your exams. Having a plan will help you stay on track and organised – and will help you manage your study time better.

A break from social media

Social media can be distracting, especially when you have to study, and you’ll just end up procrastinating and basically wasting a lot of your time. So, take a break from social media and hit those books! 


Making your own study notes will help you understand your work better. So, instead of copying what is written in the textbook, rather summarise by using your own words so you can have a better understanding of what you’re studying. That way, you won’t get confused during the exam.

Previous question papers

Most exams are compiled from previous question papers, so if you don’t have them, it is best to ask your teacher to get them for you as soon as possible. Previous exam question papers not only help you study better, they also give you an idea of how the exam might be structured.


It’s important that you get enough sleep so that you aren’t tired in the morning. Fatigue will mess up your daily routine and when you’re worn out, you will struggle with focusing.

Remember that preparation will give you an advantage and will help you survive the final lap and exam season. Do your best, don’t stress and forget the rest. Good luck Choma!

For more exam time tips, also read this article on what NOT to do during exam time.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).