Other ways to get a Matric certificate 

Completing your Matric and having a certificate is important, especially when it comes to being able to further your studies or even get a decent job. I know how devastating it is if you didn’t do well in Grade 12 or if you’ve failed the year, and it’s easy to be demotivated. You don’t have to give up though because there are other ways that you can still obtain that certificate. Here are other ways to get a Matric certificate.

Supplementary exams

If you failed less than 3 subjects, then you qualify to write supplementary exams. For more information on rewriting your exams, you can either visit your nearest Department of Education, go through the website or even ask for assistance at your school. 

Request a remark

If you feel like your marks are not accurate after you’ve received your statement (or report), then you can definitely apply for a remark. However, getting your papers remarked costs a fee which you can confirm at your school or by checking your local newspapers for deadline dates and fees.


Adult Basic Education Training(ABET) is available to offer people who want to complete their education another shot at getting that important certificate. You also get an option of attending evening classes.

FET or TVET College

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Further Education Training (FET) colleges are other options that you go for to get your certificate. TVET and FET colleges offer students occupational or vocational qualifications, which means that you will get education and training towards a range of job and employment possibilities. But you have to be careful Choma because there are a lot of fly-by-night (fake) colleges out there that are ready to scam you. So, if this is the route you’d want to take – then make sure that the nearest college that you pick is actually registered and the that it operates legally. You can find a list of accredited colleges at your nearest Department of Higher Education. 

So it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get your mature certificate the first time around. There are other ways to get your certificate or get the training you need to get a good job.

Remember, if you need help or advice, you can speak to me for advice or help here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).