Choma Loves: 5 online campaigns that celebrate women

A lot of young people spend a lot of time on social media. In the same light, many organisations have started using social media for their campaigns so they can raise awareness about the issues they feel need to be heard for change to take place. Here are my top 5 online campaigns that celebrate women:


#BeBoldForChange is an online campaign that was meant to celebrate the economic, social and cultural achievements of women for International Women’s Day – but ended up being celebrated for more than a day.  

The campaign advocates for women’s rights and gender equality, and it was the most talked about on social media when women from all walks of life broke their silence about the difficulties they face – simply because they’re women. 


#DoneWithSilencewas recently launched by me (Choma) and it’s all about starting conversations and using your voice to speak up about any change you want to see around you and the world in general.

All you have to do to use your voice for change is to post about what you’re #DoneWithSilence about on my Facebook wall, Twitter profile or your Instagram (just remember to use the hashtag and tag me @choma_mag).


The #GirlsCountcampaign fights for equal and accessible education for girls and women all over the world. Based on their research, poverty is sexist and girls that come from disadvantaged countries are less likely to get educated, compared to boys.  

This campaign was open to everyone and it aimed to get as many people as possible to record a short video of themselves counting a number from 1 and 130 million (because 130 million girls globally don’t have access to education) and post it online using the hashtag #GirlsCount.


Have you ever been told that you do something #LikeAGirl? Well, Always is a brand that is known to empower young girls to maintain confidence while they go through puberty.

This campaign aimed to redefine phrases like “#LikeAGirl” from weak or inferior to being strong and being able to do whatever you want because girls can also be champions.


#DoveRealBeauty is a worldwide campaign that was launched 15 years ago that celebrates the natural beauty that is embodied by all women. This campaign aims to inspire women from all walks of life to be confident and comfortable with themselves because they’re all beautiful. You can watch this videoto learn more about the campaign.

Many other online campaigns have launched and were successful. If you’ve ever thought of starting an online movement, just go for it Choma! If you know of a campaign that interests you, then participate and help spread awareness so that your voice can be heard too. Be #DoneWithSilence!

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me aFacebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).