Choma Queens: Celebs who dealt with depression/anxiety

Depression and anxiety are both very serious mental health issues that anyone can be affected by – no matter who you are or what your background is. Celebrities are often looked at as having perfect lives and no worries, but being a celebrity doesn’t mean that they don’t battle issues like depression and anxiety. Here are 5 Queens who have dealt with depression and anxiety in their lives.

Kerry Washington


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You might know Kerry Washington from her movies and from the American series, ‘Scandal’.  Just as bold as she is on tv, so is she in real life. Kerry has never been too shy to talk about her past battle with depression. She works tirelessly to call attention to the issue and to create awareness by educating others about it.

“I say that publicly because I think it’s really important to take the stigma away from mental health.” – Kerry Washington

Lady Gaga

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Lady Gaga has always been outspoken about everything, including her battle with mental illness. In an interview with Billboard, she admitted that she’s suffered from depression and anxiety most of her life.

Since overcoming her depression, she works hard as an advocate for mental health and she uses her Born This Way Foundation to inspire and empower the youth and to provide resources for young people dealing with depression and severe anxiety.

“I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me,” – Lady Gaga

Lalla Hirayama

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South African TV presenter, Lalla Hirayama, opened up about her battle with Panic Disorder, anxiety, as well as depression multiple times on her social media pages. She’s happy that she eventually got the help that she needed so she can overcome her battle with depression and anxiety.

“Even if you don’t have money, SADAGis here to help. Pain is real, but so is hope. No one

is alone.” – Lalla  Hirayama

Selena Gomez

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Over the past 2 years, American Singer, Selena Gomez has been doing her part to try and get rid of the stigma associated with mental illness by opening up about her struggles with depression and anxiety. The star decided to take a break from the spotlight in order to deal with her mental health.

She encourages every single person not to be ashamed of dealing with depression and mental health, and to deal with the issue in order to overcome the battle.

“I know I’m not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues.” – Selena Gomez

Sade Giliberti

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Sade Gilibertiis a former South African presenter and actor who now lives in London. She has battled depression and anxiety for years, and she openly admits to having sought out help. Now, she helps others deal with their despair by partnering with organisations like SADAG, in order to encourage as many people as possible to seek help.

Mental health is important for everyone because anyone can be affected by mental health issues. Seeking help when you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or having to deal with anxiety attacks is nothing to be ashamed of. There are a lot of myths about mental health illnesses that might make you afraid of seeking help, but know that there are places you can call and people you can speak to who can help you get through it, such as:

SADAG Mental Health Line
011 234 4837

Lifeline 24 Hour Counselling
011 422 4242 or 0861 322 322

You can also read more about depression and how to seek help here.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).