Choma Queens: Young African queens who inspire the youth


Whenever we talk about Youth Month, we are always reminded about our painful past. This year, I want to make it positive by celebrating five queens who are very inspirational to me. These young women use their voices on social media and other platforms to speak out on important issues. They constantly take a stand for what they believe in. They don’t only make a difference in their lives, but the lives of others too.

Fortunate Mvulen Mbopo 

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Fortune is currently studying towards a BA degree in Communication and Marketing at the University of Johannesburg. Coming form a small mining community in the North West, she learnt that your age shouldn’t be the reason behind not reaching your dreams and making a difference for others. In hopes of inspiring teenagers to reach their dreams despite their challenges, she started a movement called #InspireATeenSA, that she hopes to register as an organisation.

“I want to inspire people. When you see potential in someone, it’s difficult to keep quiet. I’ll tell you to push and not give up. I want to inspire people to change their lives through looking at my life,” – Fortune Mvuleni Mbopo

Ruby Chikwiri 

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Ruby assists her peers by helping them with graduation clothes so they can attend their graduation ceremonies and celebrate their degrees. She used her Twitter account to start #DressAGraduate, and she was successful at getting people to donate clothes. Despite not being able to attend her own graduation, Ruby has successfully helped about 16 graduates from different universities.

“Everyone deserves to have an incredible graduation day! Let’s dress a graduate together!”- Ruby Chikwiri

Upile Chisala 

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Upile, who is well-know as @beingupile is a published author of Soft Magic and a storyteller. She wants her writing to be a place where young black women feel safe and celebrated. She achieves this by writing stories that talk about the issues that black girls can relate to, such as self-hate, blackness, gender, matters of the heart and how we survive.

“Get in the habit of celebrating yourself from skin to marrow, you are magic.” – Upile Chisala

Boitumelo Katisi 

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Boitumelo is a licensed pilot. She co-founded Aviation Development in Africa (ADA) with a colleague. ADA is a non-profit organisation that aims to help young girls and boys pursue a career in aviation. She dedicated her birthday to host a career day for these young people. 

“My plan is to fly for South African Airlines, but first I want to do some teaching. I want to visit schools in black neighbourhoods. I want all the kids to see what an African female looks like” – Boitumelo Katisi

Purity Soinato Oiyie 

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Purity is a Maasai girl who escaped female genital mutilation and child marriage. She is the first in her village who decided to be #DoneWithSilence by standing up against female genital mutilation. 

She empowers other girls, boys and parents to reject this harmful practice. She was one of the speakers at the United Nation’s largest gathering on gender equality and women’s rights.

“I have learnt at CSW that we do not have to beg for women’s rights. Being women, we deserve this right. It’s ours!” – Purity Soinato Oiyie

There you have it Choma! These young Queens are a great example of young women who refused to let their circumstances stop them from being inspirational or from reaching their dreams. Which young person inspires you? Share your thoughts by commenting below.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).