#DoneWithSilence Challenge: What you had to say

Recently, I asked Chomas to take part in the #DoneWithSilenceChallenge creating a post saying what they are done being silent about.  Chomas was asked to create a video or social media post saying why you’re #DoneWithSilence, tag @chomamag and use the hashtags #DoneWithSilence and #DoneWithSilence Challenge. This is what some of you had to say: 

Zanthe Martinuzzi is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to society’s beauty standards and expectations regarding what women should look like. 


A youth organization from Swaziland called Ignite Young People is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to shaming and silencing women. 

Zapriana Atanassova spoke up about our generation’s chance to put an end to the vicious cycles of toxic relationships. She is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to toxic relationships. 

Angela Motsusi wants society to do away with HIV discrimination and prejudice. She is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to HIV stigma. 

Thami Jim Positive used his platform to let people know that HIV is no longer a deadly disease (like many people think), but the stigma attached to it- is. 

Nicole Van Wyk took to Instagram to say that she won’t stop speaking up against the injustices that are seen in the world today, especially by women. She is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to not speaking up about the societal ills in the world. 


Maxine Singaram used her platform to stand up for, and speak up for every single person who was afraid of speaking up for themselves. 

Smaangele has had enough of the shocking femicide rate in South Africa. She is #DoneWithSilence when it comes to men killing their partners in the name of love. 

As you can see Choma, more and more people are using their voices to speak up about the societal issues that they want to see change for. Are you also #DoneWithSilence? Head over to my #DoneWithSilence wall and choose the platform you want to speak on. Don’t forget to tag me (with my correct handle) on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. 

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).