Emergency Helplines you can call

As you know Choma, I won’t be available to answer all your questions during the holiday period. But I can’t simply leave you hanging so I’ve put together a list of emergency helplines for your time of need. With the festive season being so busy, it’s always better to have a list of helplines you can call should you need any sort of help during a difficult situation.

Here’s a list of all the numbers you can call for different scenarios. 

If you or loved one would like to report any form of abuse, contact these numbers: 

POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse): 011 642 4345/6

Stop Gender Violence helpline: 0800-150-150

Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust: 021 447 9762/ 021 447 1467

Helpline for victims of Gender-Based Violence – 0800 428 428

National Emergency Response: 10111

Alternatively, you can dial *134*403# to report woman and child abuse and *134*7355# to get support for victims of rape and sexual assault. 

For help with substance and alcohol abuse, call these numbers:

Narcotics Anonymous – 083 900 69 62

Alcoholics Anonymous – 0861 435 722

If you’re feeling down, depressed or anxious and need urgent advice you can contact the following numbers:

SADAG 24 hour helpline on – 011 234 4837

Lifeline 24 Hour Counselling – 011 422 4242 or 0861 322 322

Suicide Crisis Line – 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393 

For other emergencies, you can call the following helplines on: 

Ambulance response – 10177

Cell phone emergency – 112

As you know, staying safe during the festive season is important, so here are two important apps that you should have on your phone for emergencies:

Namola App

Namola App for iOS

Namola App for Android 


POWA GBV App for iOS 

POWA GBV App for Android

Remember, you can still contact me again for advice or help after the holidays. If you have a question you want to ask that you don’t mind me responding to in the New Year, contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).