Helping out your pregnant friend


Being pregnant can be a very overwhelming and frightening experience, especially when you’re still young and depend on your parents or guardians to take care of you. But, having a good friend in your corner can make the whole experience a little less stressful. 

If one of your friends is pregnant Choma, these are a few little ways that you can help them. These things are easy for you to do, but they may mean the world to them. 

Be supportive 

As soon as your friend tells you that she’s pregnant, the last thing she needs is to be judged, so what you should do is to support her with any decisions that she makes regarding the pregnancy – like keeping the baby for instance.

Sometimes she might need someone to talk to, so be that person for her when she needs you or let her know that she can find support online.  

Help her with school

Your pregnant friend may skip school a few times due to doctor’s visits or for any other pregnancy-related reason.  You can help her by sharing school notes, assignments and study guides with her so that she can continue studying while she’s away from school. 

Encourage her to stay healthy 

Pregnant women are encouraged to stay active and healthy because, not only is it good for them, but it’s good for the baby too. Try to encourage your friend to eat healthily and help her stay active by taking walks to the nearby park with her. 

Stand up for her

Young girls who are pregnant are often the topic of discussion or can be  victims of slut-shaming at school or the community. Make sure that you stand up for your friend and don’t gossip about her because that may cause her a lot of stress, which can be harmful to the baby. 

Being a good friend doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money, but caring, loving and showing your pregnant friend support through this challenging period could be what she needs the most. Her knowing that you made her journey bearable is what friendships are all about. 

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or someone to talk to, you can always contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).