How to manage your screen-time these holidays

Everyone has their own way of spending the summer holidays. Not having any plans these holidays doesn’t mean that all you have to do is sit in front of the TV or be on your phone or computer all the time. Here are a few ideas on how you can manage your screen-time these holidays.

Bedtime should be for resting 

A lot of us have a habit of reaching for our phones after opening our eyes, and then we also tend to fall asleep while on our phones. To avoid this, make sure that you don’t have your devices with you when it’s time for you to go to bed. If you struggle to fall asleep without your phone, why not try reading a book? Reading not only helps you relax, it could also help you fall asleep. 

Have your meals without using your phone

Whenever you are eating, try to keep your phone or any other device away from the dinner table. Also get yourself in the habit of not eating in front of the tv, because you focus less on your meal and end up overeating. Why not eat dinner with your family (or whoever you live with)? This will give you an opportunity to catch up. If you prefer to eat alone, just do it without your devices near you. You can listen to music instead, or use dinner time as an opportunity to relax and unpack your own thoughts. 

Be productive

Just because you had a long year and you want to rest, doesn’t mean that you have to waste your holidays. There are plenty of hobbies that you can take up to keep yourself busy and make your holidays worthwhile. For example, something like journaling, reading, or learning a new skill. Read here for more fun things you can do during your holiday. 


It’s never too late to change your lifestyle. Why not get into the habit of exercising? Not only is it beneficial to your body but it’s also great for your mental health. 

Spend time with your loved ones 

It’s possible to reduce your screen-time by an hour or two if you dedicate time to being with your friends or family. Spend a few hours off your screen and talk to your loved ones while enjoying their company. 

As much as there are a lot of benefits with the use of technology, excessive screen-time can be damaging physically (because it’s bad for your eyes) and academically (because it distracts you from your studies). You also lose out on a lot of activities that are important to help you grow as an individual. Go out there and experience the beauty that life has to offer without spending all of your time staring at a device’s screen. 

Remember, if you need someone to talk to, you can also speak to me for advice or help here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).