How to spend wisely this festive season

The truth is, we tend to spend a bit more during the festive season. Going into the festive season without a budget can make you lose control of how you spend, which often leads to tears in January. Here are my tips on spending wisely this festive.

Create your December-January budget

The first step to ensuring that you spend wisely this festive season is to draw up a realistic budget. Most of us tend to forget that a December salary has to cover January expenses. You must be honest with yourself on how much you can spend. This should include the events you want to attend and the gifts you want to buy for your loved ones.

It’s important to not over-indulge, set aside money for January and follow the December budget you’ve created.

Do comparison shopping

Take advantage of festive discounts and shop around for cheaper options. Don’t overspend just because of sales Choma- all of it eventually adds up. Despite how good the discounts are, keep your shopping limited to necessities.

Avoid peer pressure spending

With so many events and gifts to buy during December, it’s so easy to go off-budget due to peer pressure. The best way to avoid peer pressure spending is by making your money situation clear and transparent to your friends and family. Letting your friends and family know about your budget plans can prevent them from pressuring you to spend on things that fall out of your planned budget. Set boundaries and stick to them. Don’t go into debt trying to show people how much you love them.

Avoid the urge to show off

Most of us go home to family during the festive season, and let’s be honest, no one likes to go home empty-handed. It’s okay if you don’t have new Christmas clothes, the latest sneakers, and devices. The pandemic hasn’t been easy on anyone, and you should resist the pressure to strain yourself financially or prove yourself to anyone.

Over-spending and failure to consider January expenses during the festive season can make January feel longer and more stressful. Always be cautious if you feel tempted to buy things (even if they’re on sale) that could later see you falling into debt for months or even years. Spend wisely and enjoy the festive season without experiencing Janu-worry.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).