How to support 16 Days of Activism Campaign

The 25th of November to the 10th of December is dedicated to the international anti gender-based violence campaign – 16 Days of Activism Against Women and Children Abuse. The campaign aims to create awareness around, challenge and reduce violence against women and children. You might have seen the campaign before and wondered how you could get involved or show your support. Here are a few ideas.


You could volunteer your time to any of the NPO’s (Non-Profit Organisations) that support abused children and women in your community. The nice thing about volunteering is that it doesn’t have to be a once-off thing, you could help out any time throughout the year.

Lead by example

Abuse is one of the topics that people still find uncomfortable to discuss, and so they usually avoid it or discourage it. But speaking about abuse is an important start to ending it – because silence only makes a situation go on for longer than it should. So, I want to challenge you to take the lead by speaking up against it, reporting it to the authorities when witnessing it and calling out people for their abusive behaviour. 

White Ribbon

A white ribbon symbolises your support of victims of violence and abuse. Get yourself a white ribbon during this period, because it also symbolises your commitment to never condone or commit violence against women and children. 

Create awareness on social media

Find hashtags to follow on social media like the #MeToo or #MakeItStop movement. That way, you get to be part of an important conversation and help create awareness.  Also, encourage your friends and family to speak up and to be part of the conversation.

I know that this is not as easy as it sounds, but we have all been affected directly or indirectly by abuse. It’s up to all of us (regardless of gender) to take a stand against women and child abuse and to protect each other at all times. 

If you are a victim, it’s important that you speak up and stand up for yourself. But, if you are scared of reporting abuse to your local police station, then you can call the following numbers and they will help you.

LifeLine: 011 728 1347

National counselling line: 0861 322 322

Stop Gender Violence helpline: 0800 150 150

People Opposed to Women Abuse (POWA) helpline: 083 765 1235

If you need advice or help, remember that you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).