My LGBTQIA+ experience – Theophillus Masilela (Afrotist)

I’m so excited to feature my first, ‘share your story’ with you all. Coming out can be one of the scariest experiences. It’s a process that requires understanding, accepting, and valuing your sexual orientation/identity. It involves both exploring and sharing your identity with others. Here’s Theophillus Masilela’s story –


Image source: Instagram

“Being an LGBTQIA+ Activist, Speaker, Musician, Writer, and Creative Director Afrotist, born Theophillus Masilela, I grew up in a very strict Christian religious background where I unconsciously learnt that being homosexual is a sin. I lived my younger years in fear.

Like many other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, coming out and living truthfully was riskier than it was to live a lie, until the opposite was true for me. After I had a revelation that I would not be able to live the life of my dreams and the life I was meant to live, I cultivated courage by living my truth. I knew that continuing to live a lie was no longer an option.

Although my childhood was filled with love from the people who raised me and surrounded me at the time, I still had a deep sense of shame for who I was because of the things I was taught growing up. I spent the earlier part of my life people pleasing and living the life that was not the truth of who I was.

After a series of events in my life that included my mother suddenly falling ill, I knew it was time to live my truth before she took her last breath. I decided to finally to come out as a Trans Queer Gender.

Thankfully, my friends and family accepted me, and I am now able to create a life that I want to live.”

Today, Afrotist advocates for Queer Lives and Queer Excellence. She shares her work with the intention to teach and to heal and inspires many to live a life that’s love led instead of fear led.

Coming to terms with your sexuality can be a very liberating, exciting, and positive experience. Sexuality is an important part of who you are. There is no right or wrong, it’s about what feels right for you.

For support on your journey, you can contact PFlag South Africa – Same Love who offer the LGBTQIA+ community with peer counselling, support group meetings and more. You can also contact OUT wellbeing who offer psychosocial support services as well.

“Live authentically to be open to the abundant possibilities life offers once you step into your power” – Afrotist

If you’d like to follow or engage with Afrotist, you can follow her on Twitter or Instagram.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).