Reasons why you could be having a longer period

Whether you learn about it at school or online, you’ll often hear that the average length of a menstruation period is 3 – 5 days, once a month. This might not be the case when it comes to you and it’s completely understandable if you’re feeling a bit worried. The truth is, the length of a menstrual cycle is different from one person to the next. So what could be causing you to have your period days longer than you expected to? Here are a few reasons:

Birth control 

Being on a birth control like the IUD and hormonal contraceptives is a common reason for a prolonged period. Any contraceptive that affects your hormones has the potential to make your period last longer.


With the upcoming exams, it’s normal that you feel stressed out. However, being stressed can also throw your hormones off – meaning that stress can play a role in your period completely stopping or being longer and heavier than usual.  Read hereon how stress affects your period.  

Polycysticovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a serious reason that can cause long, irregular and heavy periods because it messes with your hormone levels. It’s known to prevent eggs from maturing because of the cysts that grow on the ovaries.

So, if you suspect to have any of the signs and symptoms of PCOS, then you should see a healthcare practitioner as soon as possible Choma.  


Thyroid glands are responsible for the regulation of your metabolism, so an under-active or overactive thyroid issue can be another cause for a longer menstrual cycle.   


Believe it or not, an early miscarriage is much more common than you’d realise and can be mistaken for a longer and heavier period.

If you’re not stressed and are not on birth control, you should see a healthcare practitioner to rule out these last three causes Choma. If your period lasts longer than 7 days and is heavy, then you should see a healthcare practitioner.  

A longer period can be annoying and a bothersome pattern to a lot of women, but also, it can be an indication of a serious medical condition that should be addressed. A typical cycle is usually 21 -35 days but can vary from person to the other. It’sgood to learn more about your sexual reproduction health so that you know when you should see a healthcare practitioner, should you suspect something abnormal about your menstrual cycle.

Here are more articles to read about your period:

8 Reasons why you missed your period (other than pregnancy) 

What your period could be telling you about your health 

Remember, if you need advice or help, remember that you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).