Should you be on contraceptives?

Contraceptives are effective in helping sexually active women prevent unwanted pregnancy. There are different types of contraceptive methods that can be used, depending on your personal needs and preference. The pill, the injection, implant and condoms are among the most commonly used contraceptive methods. Should you be on a contraceptive method? Read this to find out.

You’ve had multiple pregnancy scares

If you’ve had multiple pregnancy scares then it might be good for you to consider going on a contraceptive method. This will help you avoid pregnancy scares and enjoy sex without constantly worrying that you’ll fall pregnant. Keep in mind that contraceptives only prevent pregnancies and not STIs, so remember to use a condom every time you have sex. If you decide that you would like to fall pregnant, you can always stop using your contraceptive method and talk to your healthcare provider about falling pregnant.

You’ve been misusing the morning after pill

If you’ve been taking the morning after pill regularly, then you should be on contraceptives. The morning after pill is meant to be used in emergency situations and only works to prevent pregnancy 72 hours after unprotected sex and is not as effective as normal contraceptives at preventing pregnancy in the long-term.

You’re not ready to have a baby

If you’re having unprotected sex and aren’t on any contraceptive method, you’re putting yourself at risk of falling pregnant. If you’re not ready to get pregnant, I really encourage you to get on some form of contraceptive. Visit your local clinic or doctor for advice on which contraceptive method might be best for you.

Types of common contraceptives to consider:

The pill: The pill is a hormonal contraceptive, which means it works by changing your hormones so that you don’t release an egg during ovulation. It also thickens the mucus in your cervix to stop sperm from reaching the egg.

Condoms: Condoms are barrier contraceptives – they form a barrier between two people’s sexual organs during sex. This means that condoms don’t affect your hormones and can prevent STI transmission as well as pregnancy.

The injection: There are different types of injections – one that can be administered/taken every two months and another one that’s administered after three months. The injection is also a hormonal contraceptive, but unlike the pill, it doesn’t need to be taken every day.

There are many more contraceptive methods available, which is why you should consult with a healthcare provider on which method could be best for you. Remember that hormonal contraceptives don’t protect you against STIs, so it’s important to use a condom for maximum protection, even if you’re on a form of birth control.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).