Tips to help you take your ARVs every day 

Living with HIV is something that many people do every day. It’s not a death sentence and the only thing you really have to worry about is taking your medication as prescribed every day. Sometimes, however, life happens and taking your treatment might slip your mind from time to time. So, in order to avoid that, here are tips to help you remember to take your treatment every day. 

Create a routine

Making a habit of taking your medication frequently as prescribed by your healthcare provider will help establish a routine that works for you. If you were advised to take your medication in the morning, for example, then make it a habit to take your medication with your breakfast.

Take your medication as prescribed

I know that following rules and taking your treatment every day can get tiring, but unlike other medication, it’s very important for you to take your HIV treatment as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Even when you might not feel like it sometimes, just follow your healthcare provider’s instructions. Your health will thank you!

Get a weekly or monthly pill-box

Pill-boxes are a great way to keep up with your medication. Not only will you remember to take your pills on the days that you should, but you won’t have to deal with the stress of trying to remember if you forgot to take your medication or not.

Here is an example of a pill-box. You should be able to find it at your nearest pharmacy.  

Set an alarm

Setting an alarm is one of the best ways to keep you on track with taking your medication. If you know you’re forgetful, then try to set an alarm 5 minutes before you have to take your pills.

Ask a loved one

Living with HIV can be a very lonely journey because of the stigma attached to it. Believe it or not Choma, a solid support system is really important. If you already have support from a loved one, then ask them to remind you or check if you have taken your medication.

Continue seeing a healthcare provider

Seeing your healthcare practitioner regularly is important to monitor the virus, and to ensure that you become or stay undetectable. Use these visits to open up to your healthcare provider, receive as much medical support as you can and to stay motivated to stick to your treatment plan. 

Your health should be your number one priority, and I know it might be hard sometimes but remember that HIV is manageable and you can live a healthy and long life, just as long as you take your medication as prescribed by your healthcare provider. 

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).