Is Body Hair Really Taboo?

Puberty can cause a variety of changes in your body. Your skin and scalp may become oily more easily. You may notice new hair growing in different areas every day. At times, you may sweat for no reason and encounter odours in new places. These bodily changes are a normal part of growing up, but they can cause anxiety for a lot of teenagers. So, if you’ve been wondering if you should keep that body hair or not, read more…


As puberty sets in, your body will develop hair in new places due to hormonal changes. You might want to start shaving in certain areas, but that is entirely up to you. Some guys might choose to let their facial hair grow into a moustache or a beard, while some girls may prefer to keep their body hair as it is. It’s all about what makes you feel comfortable.


If you decide to shave, you have a few options. You can use a traditional razor with shaving cream or gel or an electric razor. If you use a regular razor, make sure the blade is new and sharp to avoid cuts and nicks. Shaving cream or gel is often better than soap because it makes sliding the razor against your skin easier. Some newer razors come with shaving gel right in the blade area, which can help beginners feel more comfortable.

If you’re a girl and concerned about hairs on your upper lip, take a step back from the mirror, and you may realize that the hair everyone sees is probably not as bad as you think.

Whether you’re shaving your legs, armpits, face, or cherry 😏 take your time and go slowly. These are tricky areas of your body with lots of curves and angles, and it’s easy to cut yourself if you’re too fast. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Take Care Of Your Nails In Six Easy Steps

Whether you’re someone who is always painting their nails at home or getting them done at the salon as a form of self-care or have the bad habit of biting them, we all wish we could have perfectly manicured nails. Here are a few tips on how you can take care of your nails:

Keep your hands very clean.

A good start to achieving those healthy nails is by making sure you are washing your hands properly. Make sure you scrub your nails to avoid infections and overgrowth.

Be gentle on your nails.

Your nails are delicate, so treat them that way. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals. If you can’t avoid it, you can buy some rubber gloves that you can use while cleaning or washing dishes.

Cut your nails regularly.

Cutting your nails often makes them less prone to breakage. So, aim to cut them every two weeks.

Prioritize nail health over length.

Long nails are elegant, but if you’re someone who struggles with breakages, keep your nails short once in a while to help them grow stronger.

Give your nails a break.

We all love getting our nails done. However, make sure that you give your nails a break by getting them done once every two months so that you don’t damage your nail bed.

Do some home care.

If you will be doing your own nails at home, remember that you will have to use a base coat. You can get a base coat at Clicks, Dischem or most shops that have nail care products.

Remember that taking care of your nails can help prevent infection and other health problems. Keeping your nails looking nice can boost your confidence and help you feel put together.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

3 Skincare Tips You Need To Know

When it comes to skincare, there are so many options that it can feel quite overwhelming and somewhat confusing. With a ton of cleansers, toners, scrubs, moisturisers, and serums available, all claiming to give you the best skin ever, it can be challenging to figure out what skincare products are best suited for your skin type.

The most important part of building a skincare routine is knowing what your skin type is. When you know your skin type it makes it easy to choose the right products. Here are categories of skin types that can make it easier for you when choosing products:

  • Dry skin is flaky, scaly, or rough.
  • Oily skin is shiny, greasy, and may have big pores.
  • Combination skin is dry in some parts (cheeks) and oily in others (forehead, nose, and chin).
  • Sensitive skin may sting, burn, or itch after you use some other products.
  • Normal skin is balanced, clear, and not sensitive.

Choosing the right cleanser

Cleansing your skin is the first step for any skincare routine as it will remove any dirt, excess oils, and impurities on the skin. Those with dry or sensitive skin, look for a cleanser with moisturising properties to ensure that oils are not removed from your skin and keep away from foaming cleansers that can dry out your skin.  If you have oily or combination skin, you should get those that are lighter and won’t clog your pores, such as a foaming cleanser or a cleansing bar.

 Moisturising is key

Finding the right moisturiser for your skin type is an important step in your skincare, it needs to hydrate and restore your skin efficiently without leaving it feeling greasy and feeling heavy. A lot of people with oily skin also tend to make the mistake of not moisturizing, but this can be dangerous as when your skin is dehydrated, it will compensate for the lack of moisture by producing more oil and that is not good for your skin. When you have oily skin, lighter lotion formulas are better suited for you as they will hydrate (add water to) your skin and not add more oil. If you have normal skin, use a lotion or light cream. If you have very dry skin, use a heavy cream that takes a minute or two to absorb into your skin, you can apply it more than once a day.

Make sunscreen your best friend

This step is important because SPF is the most essential treatment for your skin with many benefits, and you don’t have to use it only in summer but in all seasons. The more sun protection you use, the better your skin. The powerful UVA and UVB rays of the sun result in premature ageing, fine lines, wrinkles dark spots, and also skin cancer. This is why wearing sunscreen is important, you must make sure you look for a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. Choose a sunscreen based on your skin type, your climate, and how intense your sun exposure is.

  • For oily skin, choose a very light lotion for your sunscreen.
  • For normal skin, choose a lotion or a light cream, and for dry skin, a rich cream.
  • For mature and drier skin, look for a sunscreen that adds some repair to it.

You don’t need to break the bank balance to get healthy and beautiful skin. The best way to take care of your skin starts with just the basics and you can achieve the best results.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Should you wear sunscreen?

Most of us know the importance of wearing sunscreen in the summer months to avoid sunburn and damage, but did you know that sunscreen should be worn all year round? Here’s why.

It protects your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays

Sunscreen blocks UV rays, greatly reducing the likelihood of sunburn. A good idea is to apply a moisturizer (one that has an SPF ranging from 15 to 30) each morning in combination with a sunscreen that you apply regularly throughout the day.

It lowers your skin cancer risk

The most important reason you should wear sunscreen is to lower your skin cancer risk. Daily SPF use, even in rainy or colder weather can help protect your skin from harmful rays that cause cancer.

It prevents premature aging and dark spots

UV rays age our skin, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear. They also damage pigment-producing cells, which can cause discolouration and dark spots (hyper-pigmentation). The daily use of sunscreen can prevent this and help you to enjoy smooth, youthful and even skin for longer.

Brands to consider

Everysun SPF 50 

Everysun family sunscreen lotion SPF50 is specially made with VitaLock – an advanced complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and UVA and UVB filters. It has a light, non-greasy formula that’s also waterproof. 

100ml costs R130 at Clicks 


Nivea Sun Protect & Moisture Moisturising Sun Lotion

This lotion offers reliable UVA/UVB protection and long-lasting moisturisation that’ll make your skin feel soft and hydrated. The water-resistant formula prevents damage from UV rays on the skin.

R 190.00 at Clicks

Spending time outside is healthy and can help us get the vitamin D we need, but too much unprotected time in the sun can harm your skin health. Using sunscreen every day can help protect you from skin cancer and skin changes.

Remember there are additional ways to protect yourself from the sun, like wearing hats, sunglasses, staying hydrated, carrying an umbrella, and chilling in the shade. No matter your skin tone, adding sunscreen to your daily routine is a must.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

4 ways to feel beautiful in your skin

Most of us develop insecurities about how we look due to societal factors, including social media. Truth is, feeling beautiful in your skin is more than your physical appearance- it’s also about the way you take care of yourself and how you see yourself. Here are 4 ways you can feel more beautiful in your skin.

Embrace your skin tone

Embracing your skin means learning to accept how you look, your skin tone and how it feels. Part of this process is refraining from skin-to-skin comparison. Not comparing your skin tone to others allows you to love your skin, to see yourself uniquely and to take better care of your skin.

Don’t look for validation

Validation is the need to fish for compliments to feel good about how you look. Part of loving your skin is learning to self-praise. It’s important to find things you love about yourself and embrace them. The first person you should go to for encouragement is yourself, Choma.   

Practice self-care

Self-care encourages us to maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves. How you treat yourself reflects on how your see yourself. Self-care involves having a routine, learning about your skin type and the kinds of products you should use. It’s also being compassionate when your skin isn’t behaving the way you’d like. This means loving yourself through those breakouts.

Learn to love your natural look

It’s okay to have no make-up days. This actually gives your skin a chance to breathe, which can help it look and feel healthier in the long run. Learning to love your natural look can boost self-confidence and remove the idea of needing to look perfect all the time.

Beauty can be defined differently by each and every one of us. It’s important not to chase unrealistic beauty standards you see on social media, and learn to define beauty for yourself.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message or a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Take Care of Your Skin

When we think “skin care” we often think of expensive products like serums, toners moisturisers. But sometimes the best way to take care of your skin starts with the basics, the things most people don’t discuss. You don’t need to break your bank balance to get healthy and beautiful skin;

Identify your skin type and the type of products to use

Understanding your skin type will help you learn how to take care of your skin and select skin care products that are right for you. Here’s how to identify and understand your skin type:

  • Sensitive skin: May sting or burn after product use
  • Normal skin: Clear and not sensitive
  • Dry skin: Flaky, itchy, or rough
  • Combination skin: Dry in some areas and oily in others
  • Oily: Shiny and greasy

Now that you know and understand your skin type you can start taking the approach of using the right products for you.

Finding a suitable product to wash and moisturise your face

Find yourself a cleanser/facewash that suits your skin type. If you have dry and sensitive skin, a fragrance-free and gentle cleanser is ideal to keep skin hydrated and will not cause irritation. If you have oily skin, a mattifying cleanser would be your best match. It helps to remove the build-up of oil, dirt, and bacteria from your skin.

Another key to glowing skin is not forgetting to moisturise, and not just our delicate faces and necks. The rest of our body, especially our arms and legs, need as much attention.

Wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin

Sun damage is the primary cause of aging skin. Find a suitable SPF and include it as a key step in your skincare routine. Apply it generously to your face and body for protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Aside from skin products, improving your overall lifestyle plays a big role in caring for your skin. When you have good skin, you feel beautiful and confident. A healthy lifestyle includes exercising and eating a well-balanced diet – avoiding too much junk food like processed meals and reducing your intake of alcohol. Instead drink more water and add more fruit and vegetables into your diet like spinach, sweet potatoes, apricots, and apples to name a few.

Stress plays a big part too. Make sure you make some time for yourself to unwind and destress.

With consistency and determination, it’s possible to achieve healthy and beautiful skin.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send a Facebook message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).



Choma queens: 5 queens embracing skin positivity

It’s important for us to embrace our skin with all its imperfections. We need to encourage ourselves to re-think and cut out the shame that comes from having what society considers less-than-perfect skin. Here are 5 queens who openly share their journeys and are embracing their skin. Why not give them a follow?

Monique Schreiber

Image via Standard

Monique Schreiber is a Social Media Specialist who’s all about normalising acne. Her goal is to build a positive community for people with acne, to feel more comfortable in their skin. She encourages her users to mentally and emotionally embrace their acne, and love their skin for everything that it is.

Kgothi “Iman” Dithebe

Image via Zalebs

Kgothi Dithebe is a bright young talent- a law student, model, and a 2019 Miss South Africa top 5 finalist who has a unique facial birthmark that extends over her hairline. Her birthmark is the result of a condition called vitiligo. She believes her birthmark has taught her how to be resilient in life. Today, she motivates girls all over the world to love themselves; breaking down outdated standards, and revolutionising the beauty industry.

Michelle Mosalakae

Image via TRUELOVE

Michelle Mosalakae is a well-known actress and ambassador. She has a skin condition, called Albinism. Michelle chooses to see her skin condition as a strength and never a limitation.  Michelle is also the first Revlon ambassador with albinism. She has since challenged beauty brands and companies’ views on the notion of beauty.

Zoliswa Mbadu

Image via Twitter

Digital influencer, model, and fashion designer, Zoliswa Mbadu has never felt the need to hide her freckles as she feels they’re what makes her unique. She draws strength from the women in her life who embrace their own natural beauty.

Lesego “Thickleeyonce” Legobane

Image via instagram

Plus-size model, photographer, and digital content creator, Thickleeyonce is all about spreading positive vibes. She feels that every part of our bodies are worthy of being embraced and loved- whether it be scars, acne, stretch-marks or cellulite, reminding us that they’re normal.

These 5 queens remind us that skin positivity isn’t about changing the appearance of your skin- it’s about changing the way you see and embrace it. Let’s start loving the skin we have!

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Spring skincare tips for your skin type

When seasons change, they can have a negative effect on your skin. To try and prevent this, you need to know how to take care of your skin throughout the seasons. Since Spring is around the corner, I’ve put together a few skincare tips for you.

Normal Skin

Normal skin doesn’t get too dry or too oily and is usually easiest to maintain. People with normal skin usually have very few to no imperfections and their pores aren’t large or visible.

If this describes your skin, then you won’t go through too much trouble to take care of your skin. You’ll need to exfoliate (scrub the skin to get rid of dead skin cells) with a gentle exfoliator – you can make one from home using oats, honey and a bit of warm water. You’ll also need to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays by using a moisturiser with SPF (Sun Protection Factor). You can get this from R119 at Clicks.

Oily Skin

People with oily skin usually have large, visible pores, a dull or shiny complexion and issues with blackheads and blemishes.

If this sounds like you, then you’ll need to wash your face every morning and evening, using a cleanser that’s oil-free and noncomedogenic (doesn’t clog your pores). You can get one of these cleansers at Dis-chem for R109.95. You’ll also need to avoid oil-based or alcohol-based cleansers and use a moisturiser with SPF 30 or higher.

Dry Skin

If your skin is dull, has cracks, peels or becomes itchy and irritated, then you might have dry skin. You can take care of dry skin by washing your face with lukewarm water and moisturising your skin while it’s still damp. You’ll also need to exfoliate with a gentle scrub 3 times a week, which you can purchase for R49.99 at Mr Price.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is usually normal with dry and/or oily patches in some areas. It can be tricky to maintain and can have large pores, blackheads and shiny areas.

You can take care of combination skin by exfoliating with natural scrubs 2 to 3 times a week and make sure that you don’t use harsh products (use products with natural ingredients). Avoid products with oil and alcohol and use SPF 30 every day.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be itchy, dry, and can often be irritated and red. Taking care of sensitive skin can be difficult since it can react to a lot of products. You’ll need to use products that are not harsh, avoid anything that can irritate the skin such as products with fragrance, and make sure you use a light sunscreen. 

Knowing your skin type can help you make the best decisions when it comes to developing a skincare routine that works for you. Remember that if your skin becomes difficult to manage even with a routine, then it might be time to see a doctor who can assess your skin and offer you the best solution for you.

Remember if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How to love your coils

At first, it can be difficult to love your natural hair, especially if you don’t know how to maintain it. Taking care of natural hair doesn’t have to be a challenge, though. With proper hair care methods, you can show your coils some love and manage them without hassles.

L.O.C in the love

Part of showing your coils love is making sure that they’re well moisturised. The L.O.C method is the best way to achieve this, simply because it allows your hair to retain moisture for as long as possible. With the right products, your hair will feel the love. L.O.C your coils in three easy steps:

L is for Leave-in-conditioner – Get yourself a good leave-in conditioner that you can massage into your hair and scalp once a week, after washing. This ensures that your hair gets a lift and an extra layer of moisture.

O is for Oils – Oils like coconut, castor oil, and olive oil help your hair retain (lock in) moisture. Use a hair oil of your choice and follow it up with a rich moisturiser, to revive and seal in the moisture. You can get yourself coconut oil at any pharmacy or even at your grocery store.

C is for Creams – The last step is moisturising your hair with a creamy moisturiser. The harder it is for your hair to retain moisture, the thicker your moisturising cream will need to be. You can get yourself whipped shea butter cream for R79.90 from NativeChild, or you can make your own cream at home with shea butter and essential oils.

Get rid of harmful products

When buying products for your hair, you want to stay away from products with harmful ingredients and heavy chemicals. The more natural a product is, the less likely it is to harm your hair or scalp. It’s also a good idea to air dry your hair to prevent any heat damage.

Wear it with confidence

For a long time, coily and kinky hair were considered undesirable and unflattering, and it was almost impossible to find products and accessories to help you wear your hair with pride. Luckily, this has changed over time and we’re realising just how beautiful every texture of hair is. Whether you choose to style it in dreadlocks, braid, straighten or put it under a wig – it’s important to love your crown and what it represents. Don’t allow anyone else to make you feel less beautiful or unworthy because of your hair.

Hair is a huge part of our identity and how we want to come across in the world, which is why it’s important to feel comfortable and confident with your coils. Take care of it and wear it however you want it, with pride.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).