Let’s Talk About: Home remedies for terminating pregnancy.

Hey Chomas,

So, I’ve been getting a lot of questions around home remedies for terminating pregnancy (Abortion), especially on “does coke and disprin work for abortion”?

This is only one of the home remedies that young women have used to get rid of pregnancy and your Choma is here to get real with you about that!

Well… disprin for one is an aspirin, an over-the-counter medication which is usually taken for mild to moderate pain such as headaches, nerve pain and to also treat fever associated with colds and flu.

A person who’s pregnant is not advised to take anything more than a necessary panado, as it is risky to the pregnant woman and her baby.

What does a home remedy like disprin do to a pregnant woman, her fetus or unborn baby?

It induces the pregnancy…inducing means using a strategy to start a process of labour. So, that will basically cause the fetus or baby to ‘escape the womb’. Inducing labour is only supposed to be done by a health professional (doctor) as there is a risk to the unborn baby or mother or if at due time of labour, the baby needs to come out to stop it from losing its life. These safe strategies conducted by a doctor are proven methods which ensure that the mother and baby remain safe.

So, what is this big risk about inducing pregnancy with things like disprin?

It will not only induce the pregnancy but will cause a life threat to the pregnant mother. What will happen is that you can experience what is called a partial miscarriage or incomplete abortion, which means some fetal tissue will still be left in the womb of the woman (also known as kobo in Sesotho)…this can be fatal, meaning cause death, for the woman because of the unusual bleeding or high infection due to the fetal tissue. This can only be treated medically.

A high dosage of disprin may also cause liver or kidney disorders, even affect the gastrointestinal tract (a pathway where food enters and solid waste is released). In short Chomas, disprin and coke are NOT safe pregnancy termination methods.

Tip: Rather rely on contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Use methods such as PrEP to prevent HIV and make sure you learn about your sexual health, so that you keep your body healthy and make better life choices.

Still got questions, feel free to send me a message.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657)

How To Deal With Sexual Pressure

Good relationships are based on trust and mutual agreements. Feeling like you must have sex with your partner when you don’t want to, can have a great impact on you. Sometimes you wind up having sex with your partner to protect their feelings while neglecting your own. No one has the right to pressure you to have sex with them, even if you are dating.

What does sexual pressure look like?

This is when someone tries to take control, exploit, or influence your feelings, or thoughts into having sex with them, this can also be in a form of manipulation. An example would be your partner saying that you must have sex with them because you’re dating, even though you don’t want to. You then end up doing it just to please them.

Things you can do:

List your boundaries:

You need to be assertive when you feel pressured to have sex. Remind yourself that you have every right to say no and that there’s nothing wrong with that. What you want matters just as much as what your partner wants.

Seek out people who respect you:

Love and relationships aren’t about forcing people to do things they don’t want. One of the ways to ensure that you’re valued and not pressured to have sex is by being around people who respect your decisions.

Exercise your right to say “no!” 

A practical way to keep reinforcing your belief is exercising your right to say no. Know what your needs are, and what you want. Remind yourself that you don’t owe anyone anything.

Remember Choma, it’s your body and you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to do. Sex is not an obligation; therefore, it has to be on your terms.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Is Postnatal Care Really Important?

Postnatal care, also known as postpartum care, refers to the medical and emotional support provided to a woman after childbirth. This period is crucial for new moms as it plays an important role in supporting their physical and emotional well-being after childbirth. Here are some key reasons why post-natal care is important:

  1. Physical Recovery:

Childbirth is a significant physical event, and the body undergoes various changes during and after the process. Post-natal care focuses on aiding the body’s recovery, including healing from any childbirth-related injuries, stitches, or caesarean sections.

  1. Preventing Complications:

Proper post-natal care helps in identifying and addressing any potential complications early on. This includes monitoring for signs of infections, managing postpartum bleeding, and ensuring that any healing incisions are cared for appropriately.

  1. Emotional Well-being:

The postpartum period often brings a range of emotions, from joy and fulfilment to stress and fatigue. Post-natal care addresses the emotional well-being of new moms, providing support, guidance, and resources to cope with the emotional challenges that may arise.

  1. Bonding with the Baby:

Post-natal care encourages and facilitates bonding between the new mom and her baby. This bonding is crucial for the emotional development of both the mother and the infant and establishes the foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.

  1. Nutritional Support:

Adequate nutrition is essential for a new mom’s recovery and for the production of breast milk. Post-natal care includes guidance on maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and taking necessary supplements to support the nutritional needs of both the mother and the baby.

  1. Monitoring Postpartum Health:

Post-natal care involves regular check-ups to monitor the mother’s health. Healthcare providers assess blood pressure, check for signs of postpartum depression, and address any concerns related to physical or mental well-being.

  1. Family Planning:

Post-natal care provides an opportunity to discuss family planning options and birth control methods. This allows new parents to make informed decisions about their family’s future.

  1. Promoting Self-Care:

New moms often put the needs of their babies before their own. Post-natal care emphasizes the importance of self-care, encouraging mothers to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. This includes getting enough rest, seeking support, and taking breaks when needed.

In summary, post-natal care is a comprehensive approach that addresses the holistic needs of new mothers, ensuring a smooth transition into motherhood and promoting the health and happiness of both mom and baby.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

All You Need To Know About Pregnancy Awareness Week

Pregnancy Awareness Week is dedicated to promoting awareness and providing education about pregnancy-related issues. This annual event is typically designed to empower and inform parents-to-be and the general public about all things pregnancy – ante-natal care, childbirth and post-natal care.

What’s the point of Pregnancy Awareness Week?

  1. Education and Empowerment:

The main goal is to educate and empower people, especially parents, with valuable information about pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.

  1. Health Promotion:

Pregnancy Awareness Week aims to promote maternal and foetal health by emphasizing the importance of proper prenatal care, healthy lifestyle choices, and early detection of potential issues.

When is Pregnancy Awareness Week?

Pregnancy Awareness Week is typically observed annually. Although the time varies yearly, it will be observed from the 10th to the 16th of February 2024. 

What information is shared during Pregnancy Awareness Week?

  • Prenatal Care: Information about the importance of regular prenatal check-ups, proper nutrition, and overall well-being during pregnancy.
  • Childbirth Education: Discussions on different childbirth options, birthing plans, and strategies for a positive birthing experience.
  • Postnatal Care: Providing guidance on postpartum recovery, breastfeeding, and the emotional well-being of new mothers.
  • Family Planning: Addressing family planning and contraception options for individuals and couples.
  • Encouraging Informed Decisions: Pregnancy Awareness Week encourages individuals to make informed decisions about their pregnancy journey, fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence.

Pregnancy Awareness Week serves as an important platform to celebrate the journey of parenthood, educate individuals about the various aspects of pregnancy, and promote overall maternal and child well-being. It encourages a supportive and informed community, promoting positive pregnancy experiences and healthier outcomes for mothers and babies.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Have Control Over Your Sexual Decisions

When making decisions around sex, it’s important that you feel that they are the right ones for you. Sex should be a positive and enjoyable experience because it involves your body and your emotions and if you make the wrong decisions around it, it can have a negative impact on your life and health. Here’s what you should know:

Substance and alcohol abuse

Alcohol and other substances can affect the decisions you make about sex. Research shows that when people are intoxicated, they make decisions around sex which they would not normally make if they were sober.

Staying safe

If you’re having a night out and think you might have sex with someone, it’s important to decide beforehand what you want to do. Once you have made that decision, you need to stick to it. If you think you might have unprotected sex once you have been drinking or taking drugs, consider not doing so. This will help you have power in your decision-making.

Negotiating safe sex

If you want to practise safe sex, here’s what you can do:

  • Make sure you have a supply of condoms always available. Condoms offer dual protection from unwanted pregnancy, HIV and other STIs.
  • Be clear that you want to use a condom and if your partner disagrees, you can decide not to have sex.

Remember, if you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Navigate Life After Teenage Pregnancy

Becoming a teenage mom is a huge deal. This transition can rock your world upside down. You might have to navigate extra challenges, like trying to finish school and adapting to being a mom. You might also feel judged for being a teenage mom or overwhelmed by the responsibility of raising a child. So how do you navigate life as a teenage mom? Here are some ways to:

Don’t lose focus on your dreams.

Having a baby early in life doesn’t mean that you must lose track of your own passions and dreams. If you have a plan to go back to school, do it. Knowing your little one is watching you reach for the stars is going to be great motivation for you.

Look after yourself.

You’re the most important part of your child’s life. Sometimes taking care of a baby might make you forget to take care of yourself, but looking after yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally will help your child grow and thrive just as much as you.

Take care of your mental health.

Your emotional and mental health is important too. Remember that when you are stressed, you might have challenges looking after your baby. Getting counselling can help you adjust to your new mom role.

Surround yourself with a good support system.

Talk to your loved ones about how you’re feeling. If you’re worried about anything and need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to them for support.

Remember the old saying about how it takes a village to raise a child? You don’t have to do this alone, ask for help when you need it.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Messagea Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

How To Deal With Pregnancy Termination Stigma

Stigma is when someone views you in a negative way because of who you are, your position, or the decisions you’ve made. Unfortunately, people who have decided to terminate often face social stigma and discrimination. This experience can make their problems worse, making it harder to confide in people and heal. Here’s how you can cope with termination stigma.

Don’t create self-doubt and shame.

Stigma doesn’t just come from others. You can mistakenly believe that your decision is a sign of personal weakness.  Seeking counselling, educating yourself about your options, and connecting with others who have decided to do the same can help you gain self-esteem and overcome self-judgment.

Don’t isolate yourself.

If you’ve terminated, you may be hesitant to tell anyone about it, including your family and friends. Reach out to people you trust for the compassion, support, and understanding you need.

Speak out against stigma.

Consider expressing your opinions whether it be online or offline. It can help give others the courage to educate the public about termination.

Get Help.

You may be reluctant to admit you need help when you are going through termination grief. Don’t let the fear of being labelled prevent you from seeking help. Help can provide relief by identifying what’s wrong and reducing symptoms that interfere with your work and personal life.

Remember others’ judgments almost always stem from a lack of understanding. Learning to accept your personal decisions and recognize what you need to do to get through them, seeking support, and helping educate others can make a big difference.

If you or a friend need someone to talk to, you can speak to me for advice or help here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, a Twitter DM WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

I’ve Started Birth Control, Now What? – Q&A

You may be asking if starting a contraceptive means you can start having unprotected sex. The method you use and where you are in your menstrual cycle will influence how quickly your birth control starts protecting you against pregnancy.

Should I start having sex now that I am preventing?

If you have decided to begin preventing for any reason, this does not imply that you should begin having unprotected sex. Many young women start using contraception to avoid an unplanned pregnancy or for medical reasons such as menstrual regulation.

How long does it take for the contraceptive to start working?

To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, you should usually abstain from sex or use backup contraception (such as condoms) for roughly a week.

Oral contraceptives

To avoid unplanned pregnancy, use condoms for at least seven days after starting hormonal birth control pills. Contraceptive pills can also be started on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

Hormonal IUD, patch, and implant

If you started using the patch, implant, or hormonal IUD (Mirena) within the first five days of your period, there’s no need for back-up contraceptives however, the dual method is highly recommended.

Hormonal injection

You need to use a condom for at least seven days after receiving the hormonal injection (Depo-Provera) if you had the shot within the first week of your period.

When deciding whether or not to have unprotected sex when you start a contraceptive it is always good to stay informed and always use protection. Remember that using a condom with your contraceptive of choice protects you not only from unplanned pregnancy but STIs as well.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Why Is Your Sexual and Reproductive Health Important?

Young people need to pay close attention to reproductive health issues. The word “reproductive health” generally means the health and well-being of both men and women regarding sexuality, pregnancy, birth, and related problems. In this article, concerns about pregnancy and STIs, particularly HIV, are the main topics.

Let’s talk about the importance of understanding sexual and reproductive health. Talking about sexual and reproductive health is looked down upon in several societies. Two major issues facing young people in many countries are teenage pregnancies and a high percentage of HIV infections. However, nothing is done to address the underlying issue. Therefore, turning the wheel now requires action.

Health issues can result from sexual and reproductive health neglect:

  • For females in the fertile age range, difficulties with reproductive health are a major cause of chronic illness and death.
  • Lack of SRH (Sexual and Reproductive Health) knowledge during puberty for teenagers can cause a variety of problems and prevent healthy emotional, physical, and mental growth.
  • Unsafe abortion during pregnancy can cause permanent damage to a young woman’s reproductive system, making it difficult for them to have children in future.
  • Due to ignorance and lack of information, there is an increase in STI cases among disadvantaged female young people.
  • Unsafe sexual activity is common among youth. As a result, unwanted pregnancies, early births, STIs including HIV/AIDS, and unsafe abortions occur. Young people frequently experience sexual assault or exploitation, especially women. These dangers have the potential to have negative physical, psychological, social, and financial effects.

Why is it important to learn about sexual and reproductive health?

An individual’s total health, particularly their sexual and reproductive health, is important. Sexual and reproductive health education is therefore very important for young people. The following are the key goals of SRH education:

  • Any teenager can learn about their reproductive system during puberty with the use of SRH information.
  • It raises youths’ understanding of safe sexual behaviour.
  • The SRH training provides education in the prevention of STIs like HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HPV infection.
  • It encourages a safe pregnancy and delivery and protects against viral infections for both the mother and baby.
  • A complete understanding of early pregnancy, birth control options, pregnancy care, postpartum care for the mother and child, infertility, and many other topics is provided via SRH education.

Sexually transmitted illnesses like HIV might spread as a result of a lack of sexual and reproductive health care. Therefore Chomas, the total physical, mental, and social well-being of a person’s reproductive system and sexual health at all phases of life is referred to as sexual and reproductive health. It includes things like safe sex, the ability to choose one’s own sexual partners, awareness of various contraception options, and reproductive ability. Take care and always be safe.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).

Tips: How To Deal With Postpartum Challenges

The postpartum period can be a joyous time for many mothers but it’s also a period of adjustments and healing. Being a new mom comes with a variety of experiences which include fluctuating emotions, adaptation to changes, bonding with your baby and many other challenges. Some of them include:

Mental health issues after the birth a.k.a postpartum blues.

Some women find their mood doesn’t lift after the birth and they become anxious or depressed. This is what is called postpartum depression where the mother experiences emotional highs and lows, frequently cries, is fatigued, has guilt, and anxiety and may have trouble caring for their baby. This is a time when she needs all the support she can get.

Trouble with feeding the baby.

Most women complain that they do not produce enough milk to feed the baby and thus feel that the baby is not getting enough nutrients and not getting full. This can lead to a lot of frustration and feelings of inadequacy as a mother since most mothers want to be able to breastfeed their babies.

Sleep deprivation

During this time, new moms may not get enough sleep, the baby may stay up at night, affecting the new mom.

The pressure to snap back to the previous body.

Some women feel insecure in their new post-birth body. This can be due to birthing injuries or scars, or weight that didn’t quickly disappear after having their baby. This leaves the mother feeling down and depressed.

Relationship adaptations

Other women feeling anxious over not meeting their partner’s sexual needs after giving birth. They may not yet feel ready to have sex again. This is a time where they are regularly prioritizing their baby and their partner may feel neglected.

What you can do as a new mom

You don’t have to pressure yourself into getting back to shape immediately after having a baby as this is a time to focus on you and your baby. Applying a healthy diet can help you feel healthy and strong. Make sure to sleep when your baby sleeps, even during the day, this will help you be well rested.

Remember that everyone needs help from time to time and it’s okay to not feel okay. If you find it hard to manage and take care of your baby, reach out to friends and family who can lend a hand in helping you take care of you and your baby. Also consider joining online groups for new moms to share with other moms going through similar experiences.

If you or a friend need advice or help, you can contact me here on Ask Choma, send me a Facebook Message, an  Instagram message, a  Twitter DM, or a WhatsApp Message (071 172 3657).